Samuel Kaski is a professor of AI in The University of Manchester and active in setting up the AI-FUN, Manchester Centre for AI Fundamentals. His field is probabilistic machine learning. He is currently particularly interested in collaborative machine learning, methods that work well human experts in the loop in sequential decision making and design tasks. Such tasks are needed for instance in synthetic biology, drug design, and more generally experimental design in sciences in engineering, and inspire interesting machine learning questions including out-of-distribution generalization, inverse reinforcement learning, and ad-hoc teamwork with theory of mind.

Sami is UKRI Turing AI World-Leading Researcher Fellow, ELLIS Fellow, and in his free time professor of Aalto University where half of his research team is, and leads the Finnish Center for Artificial Intelligence FCAI and ELLIS Unit Helsinki.

He hopes some day to find time to create an up-to-date webpage. So far research has been more interesting.


  • Probabilistic modelling
  • Bayesian inference
