Magnus Rattray

Magnus Rattray

Professor of Computational and Systems Biology

University of Manchester


I am Professor of Computational and Systems Biology and Director of the Institute for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence at the University of Manchester. I’m a Fellow of the European Laboratory of Learning and Intelligent Systems (ELLIS) on the Health Programme and lead of the ELLIS Unit in Manchester. I’m also Manchester University’s liaison to the Alan Turing Institute, the National Institute for data science and AI.

My group develops computational methods to help understand how gene expression changes over time and to understand the complex network of molecular interactions between DNA, RNA, proteins and cells which regulate these processes. We use probabilistic machine learning and systems biology modelling to explore how biological systems change and adapt over different temporal and spatial scales, on scales ranging from single cells to whole populations.


  • Bioinformatics
  • Computational Biology
  • Machine Learning
  • Bayesian Statistics
